Investment Management

Five Beliefs for Managing Your Money

MPPL Financial manages your money following a five-point philosophy:  


We craft a thoughtful investment plan for your money where asset allocation tightly aligns with your goals and personal financial situation.


We invest in areas of the market that provide opportunities and upside potential within the risk parameters for your unique situation.


We deploy a mix of in-house active management and passive strategies to efficiently achieve the best possible returns, net of fees.

Tax intelligent

We consider ways to enhance overall portfolio return without taking on additional incremental risk or triggering unwanted taxation.

Actively managing risk

We keep your personal situation and needs top of mind while making data-driven strategic and tactical decisions to mitigate risk and maximize overall portfolio return.

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A Personalized Portfolio with a Purpose

We construct and manage your portfolios with a dynamic, individualized approach:

  • Discovering more about you. A financial discovery session helps us understand the implications of your short- and long-term goals and priorities with your liquidity and capital needs, as well as your appetite for risk and sensitivity to taxes.
  • Establishing an investment plan. The best investment plans align your MPPL Financial Blueprint and the findings from our financial discovery session. Your investment plan will establish an asset allocation mix of stocks, bonds, and specialty assets that align with your objectives and unique financial situation.
  • Deploying an array of in-house strategies. Using your investment plan as a guide, we design a personalized portfolio with purpose, combining our in-house managed investment strategies and external specialty strategies.
  • Monitoring and optimization. Through ongoing assessment of economic and market conditions, along with any changes in your objectives or life circumstances, we optimize your portfolio to capture opportunity and manage risk.

MPPL Financial has offices in Duluth, MN, Grand Rapids, MN, Wausau, WI, and Crystal Lake, IL. While we’re located in the Midwest, we work with clients across the U.S.

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